German Brand Award for Scheurich

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German Brand Award for Scheurich

During the official festivities in Berlin Axel Schröder, head of marketing at Scheurich, is accepting the German Brand Award 2019. Scheurich, who advertise themselves as the No. 1 manufacturer of plant containers in Europe, is among the winners of the German Brand Award 2019. The family business convinced the jury of experts from brand industry and science with the repositioning of their brand, taking the prize for “Excellent Brands Living”.

The yearly award offered by the German Council for Design and the German Brand Institute is said to have quite the media reach. Scheurich is convinced that the renowned competition will further the brand weight as a success factor in the national as well as the international context. “My pot. My style.” – the new claim stands for a direction and visualises emotional pictures. The German Brand award is a recognition for our overall strategy”, emphasises CEO Ulrich Frank. “The brand Scheurich has been following its path for 90 years. With this new claim, new corporate design and even more confidence we are creating a modern, perceptible brand, be it online, on print or at the POS.”

Bördy XL is the winner!

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Bördy XL is the winner!

Stiftung Warentest checked out watering devices

Germany’s renowned independent product testers “Stiftung Warentest” gave our Bördy XL top marks in a test of plant watering devices. This was published in their June magazine 2017.

They checked out 16 similar products using the criteria, Watering, Usage, Durability and Safety. The end result was that Bördy XL was the best product tested.

We have known that Bördy and the other watering accessories we offer worked well but to have this independently verified by them is really good news. They even went further saying that Bördy was the perfect plant watering solution during vacation time.

The range of products we supply in this category have enjoyed great growth in the past years as consumers discover not only the benefits but also the attractive designs we offer.

Stiftung Warentest is a well respected institution in Germany and their tests are known for their neutral, independent and serious character.

The largest garden fair in the world

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The largest garden fair in the world

Impressions of spoga+gafa 2018

Experience the garden in all its diversity: This is the possible at spoga+gafa better than in any other place in the world! Over 2,000 exhibitors show everything new, all technical innovations, the fresh designs and trends that are impressing worldwide – everything at a glance and in one location!

Scheurich presented exciting innovations for the indoor and outdoor area, combined with convincing quality in ceramics and plastics – of course Made in Germany.

Work anniversary celebration

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Work anniversary celebration

Kleinheubach: During a cheerful celebration the ceramics manufacturer from Kleinheubach, Germany, has honoured their employees’ jubilees, their recent retirees as well as apprenticeship graduates. 

CEO Ulrich Frank told the story of the year 1973, when the employees started working at Scheurich. The look back made it clear that those 45 years were characterised by many changes. A constant throughout was the high commitment, adeptness and loyalty displayed by the employees, who are undoubtedly the backbone of Scheurich. Reinhard Birven and Peter Baumann joined Frank’s praises and thanked the employees for their continued loyalty, their readiness and motivation to work for the company Scheurich.

Honoured for 45 years of work were: Walter Difloe, Margareta Bauer and Friedbert Zink. For 40 years: Ulrike Hornich, Norbert Reichl and Cosimo Morrone. For 35 years: Claudia Arnheiter and Thomas Tessier. For 30 yeary: Markus Jäger and Annette Schmidt. For 25 of staff membership Anne Ketzler, Bianca Kreß and Johann Drotleff were honoured and for 20 years at Scheurich Jordanis Kalafatis, Alexander Jakob, Olga Hill and Bernd Broßler. Also honoured were recent retirees. Among others, one now former employee was honoured for  42 years, two for 43, respectively, and another for 45 years at Scheurich. Applauded for their recent graduation were Sebastian Wiesner and Marius Berberich. Erika Lala, Armin Wirth, Winfried Mengler, Walter Difloe and Cosimo Ciraci were seen off into their well earned retirement. 

The picture shows the long-term employees, new retirees and graduates joined by the CEOs Reinhard Birven and Ulrich Frank as well as the head of the advisory board Peter Baumann and the head of the working council Martin Bork.    

Engagement für Scheurich gewürdigt

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Engagement für Scheurich gewürdigt

Jubilarfeier mit zahlreichen Ehrungen

In einer fröhlichen und geselligen Feier hat der Kleinheubacher Keramikhersteller seine Betriebsjubilare, Neurentner und Ausbildungsabsolventen geehrt.

Die beiden Geschäftsführer, Reinhard Birven und Ulrich Frank, sowie der Vorsitzende des Beirats, Peter Baumann, dankten den Jubilaren für ihr langjähriges Engagement, das einen maßgeblichen Beitrag für die erfolgreiche Entwicklung des Unternehmens darstellt. Ulrich Frank ging in seiner Ansprache auf das Jahr 1972 ein, das Jahr in dem die 45-jährigen Betriebsjubilare ihre Tätigkeit bei Scheurich aufnahmen. Immense  Veränderungen prägten das Arbeitsleben und auch die Abläufe im Hause Scheurich. Reinhard Birven und Peter Baumann schlossen sich den Ausführungen von Ulrich Frank an und dankten den Mitarbeitern für ihre langjährige Treue und ihre Einsatz für das Unternehmen Scheurich.

Für 45 Jahre Betriebszugehörigkeit wurden geehrt Ruth Schlegel und  Doris Schmitt. In den verdienten Ruhestand verabschiedet wurden Cornelia Winter, Gerlinde Franke, Frau Schlegel, Walter MacNeil und Peter Schmitt. Für 35 Jahre wurden geehrt Silvia Groner, Anette Büttner, Heidi Morschhäuser, Reinhold Strein, Jürgen Schmucker und Armin Becher. 30 Jahre Betriebszugehörigkeit feierten Emma Ripberger, Dieter Rösler und der langjährige Geschäftsführende Gesellschafter Peter Baumann. Für 25 Jahre Betriebszugehörigkeit wurden geehrt Bronislawa Widzyk und Heike Helwich. 20 Jahre im Unternehmen Scheurich sind Bianca Gutmann-Yakar, Kerstin Schult, Nadja Penkala und Rolf Melzer. 10 Jahre bei Scheurich sind Marcel Heger, Gabi Penkala, Irina Melcher, Michael Mehl, Elke Dosch, Michael Hähnle, Wolfgang Kress und Karin Passow. Für ihren erfolgreichen Ausbildungsabschluss wurden geehrt Laura Kuhn und Felix Link. 

Das Bild zeigt die Jubilare, Neurentner und Ausbildungsabsolventen mit der Betriebsratsvorsitzenden Ursula Herkert, den beiden Geschäftsführern Reinhard Birven und Ulrich Frank, und dem Beiratsvorsitzenden Peter Baumann.

The Scheurich guarantee

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The Scheurich guarantee

Only the best are waterproof

Our cover pots are 100% waterproof. We are the only ceramics supplier with this guarantee.

As the No.1 brand for planters our standards for a nice and at the same time flawless product are very high. With our product range we also want to create a milestone in the future.

We therefore focus exclusively on the use of high quality material in our factory in Kleinheubach, Germany. Our experienced employees supervise the excellent production of our products on the most modern automized machines – a requirement for high quality cover pots that last a lifetime.

Whether plain-colored or an elaborate design, whether with a trendy style or a natural look: Scheurich caters to all tastes giving every house plant the right cover pot. 100% waterproof. Guaranteed.

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Scheurich gewinnt SAP Quality Award 2017

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Scheurich gewinnt SAP Quality Award 2017

Gold für Innovationsführer

Showtime in Mannheim: Am 24. November zeichnete SAP Deutschland die Preisträger des diesjährigen SAP Quality Awards aus. Ganz oben auf dem Siegerpodest stand Scheurich, als Gold Winner 2017 Germany in der Kategorie Innovation. Der weltweit führende Hersteller von Pflanzgefäßen wurde für seine hervorragende Leistung bei der Planung und Umsetzung des SAP-Implementierungsprojektes prämiert.

Im Rahmen eines Events in der gut besuchten SAP Arena in Mannheim nahmen Scheurich Geschäftsführer Reinhard Birven und Jörg Chemii, Leiter IT & Organisation, die begehrte „Winner Plaque“ und die Urkunde entgegen. Das markante Gold Gewinnerlogo ist ein weiteres Qualitätsmerkmal, das die Innovationsfreude und Technologieführerschaft des Unternehmens eindrucksvoll unterstreicht.

Bei der Vergabe eines Quality Awards ist für die unabhängigen Juroren entscheidend, dass die SAP-Implementierung dem jeweiligen Unternehmen einen echten Nutzen bringt. Seit der erfolgreichen Einführung der Business Suite SAP S/4HANA im August 2017 konnten viele Prozesse beschleunigt und optimiert werden. Darüber hinaus bietet die Software eine ideale Basis für künftige Anforderungen bei EDI und e-Commerce. Damit unterstützt Scheurich seine Kunden und stellt die Weichen für eine gemeinsame erfolgreiche Zukunft.

State Award for Scheurich trainees

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State Award for Scheurich trainees

Scheurich is very delighted to congratulate Annabell Kubernat and Maren Seifert who both just passed their apprenticeship exams. Due to their outstanding performance they were awarded the Bavarian State Award for being the country’s best graduates. Annabell and Maren have decided to stay at Scheurich and are now working in the company’s sales departments. 

The photo shows them with management, trainers and Scheurich workers’ representative in an internal company award ceremony where they received a bouquet of flowers and a voucher.